The chart
line displays
the ratio of smokers per 1000 people divided by gender in Someland between 1960 to 2000.
Verb problem
, Linking Words
it is clear that
the percentage of smoker men fell throughout the years significantly, meanwhile, the smoker women rose slowly. Linking Words
In addition
, Linking Words
at the end
of the period, the rate of smoking Linking Words
and females Change preposition
among males
nearly similar.
Correct subject-verb agreement
To begin
with, in 1960, almost 60% of adult males at that time were smoking cigarettes, Linking Words
the number of smoking men started to decline gradually, after that it faced a rapid drop from 1990 to 2000.
In terms of women, the number of adult females who were smoking in the 60s where low about 10% but , it started to rise rapidly and reached 30% in 1975, Linking Words
the chart was almost steady for 15 years , in the end, the chart decreased and arrived at fifth by the year of 2000.Linking Words