Some say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is often believed that advertisement is incredibly effective in promoting purchase among consumers
there is some suspicion that it loses its impact
due to
its prevalence in daily life. I partially agree with the former view because of the growing impact of advanced technology regardless of the fact that many
feel annoyed by its sudden interruption. On one hand, consumers gain an immense effect from advertisements whose technology is so advanced to meet their diverse needs.
In other words
, it is often programmed to recommend various items and services automatically, relying on their search record in the past.
For instance
, Amazon, the online retailer, illustrates a number of similar products with the same brand as those I bought before.
, those online advertisements are made so selective to the individual interest and taste and
cannot help but take a look at them.
, sales tend to rise in a dramatic way since they can immediately find the exact merchandise that they are looking for thanks to the modern marketing strategy.
On the other hand
, there is a negative effect that the advertisement has on consumers with its growing prevalence. Indeed, they tend to feel more stressed as they are hampered by the sudden appearance of propaganda on the screen when they want to concentrate on their work and study.
, it often happens that
click it by mistake, who are taken to other unrelated websites without their will and end up wasting their time.
As a result
, excessive pop-ups to promote certain products tend to be considered less important and
is the reason why many
even download the software to block them. In conclusion, I somewhat agree that advertising is successful in drawing the attention of the public, for its sophisticated program to suggest a certain item which matches their demands, referring to the previous record of their search.
, there is a tendency for its declining impact as the repetitive appearance on the screen can disturb
from focusing on their work and study.
Submitted by mizuho on

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The essay effectively discusses both views related to the impact of advertising, offering a well-rounded perspective on the topic.
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