Art classes, such as painting and drawing, are as Important to a child’ development as other subjects, so it should be compulsory in high schools. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that drawing and painting should be compulsory subjects like math or physics
due to
their importance in the early development of children. Personally, the writer approves of the significance that art has on offspring’s creativity and expression;
, it should not be learned in force like others because there are differences in the unequal abilities and interests of each individual. Undeniably, the arts can play a vital role in offspring's brain improvement. Exposing infants to drawing lines curves and colours helps them identify the complex colour ranges
as well as
the fundamental foundation of basic shapes and landscapes.
For instance
, when learning how to draw the sky, the young are able to paint light blue as the sky colour, the yellow-to-orange range for the sun, and white for clouds with a few greys to shade them.
acts as a precursor to recognizing familiar features around them in the early ages, enhancing their imagination and creativity in their own “imaginary world,” and presenting those surroundings well through the improved recognition. All these benefits are crucial for writing and speaking skills afterwards. Still, it is unacceptable to turn drawing into a compulsory subject, as
would just put a strain on the pupils. Painting is commonly recommended
because of its relaxation as a means to release stress after a tiring day. Forcefully learning drawing can lead to a loss of interest in youth, diminishing the actual value of drawing.
, similar to music, not every individual, including children, has the same talents, if somebody is excelling at playing an instrument, it does not mean others have to be like him or her;
, talented artists are relatively varied among people.
To conclude
, it is true to say that art drastically influences the development of infants’ mental properties. Notwithstanding,
as a result
of differences among humans in artistic aspects, it is better to recommend it to children than to make it a required matter.

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task achievement
Ensure that your argument is fully developed. While your essay contains good arguments, some points, particularly in the second body paragraph, could benefit from further elaboration and examples. For instance, you may want to delve deeper into why making art compulsory could lead to stress and loss of interest.
coherence cohesion
Work on your transitions between ideas and paragraphs to improve the overall flow. While your essay is generally cohesive, smoother transitions would help reinforce the logical progression of your argument.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear and logical structure with a concise introduction and a well-rounded conclusion. This helps to easily follow your argument.
task achievement
Your use of examples, such as the sky painting one, effectively supports your main points and adds credibility to your argument.

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