Some people think that planning for the future is a waste of time. They believe it is more important to focus on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is sometimes argued that considering the future is not really important. I completely disagree with
view because emphasising the future rather than the moment enhances motivation and reduces errors. There are several reasons planning ahead is necessary but one which is worth mentioning is that it speeds up motivation.
is because individuals put much effort into achieving success.
For instance
, Indian scientists knew there would be an outbreak of diseases
as coronavirus in some years since they planned for the forthcoming
as a result
, they were encouraged to work hard to discover a vaccine. If they had failed not consider the future, they would not have been able to work hard let alone discover vaccines.
helped reduce the spread of the virus and currently, the world is free from the virus.
fostering encouragement, errors are
limited. People who plan ahead are likely not to commit more mistakes.
For example
, the government of Ghana noticed Ghanaian students would be on the surge, and for that reason, the state constructed more schools in other to curb those setbacks. Supposing authorities failed to think about the plan, Students would have been studying under trees which would obviously make them fail in their academic careers. Current research suggests that people who fail in their academic endeavours are the result of learning under trees. In conclusion,
, thinking about the moment can sometimes be beneficial,
, I believe planned forecasting is extremely important since it fosters encouragement and reduces mistakes.
Submitted by boadimaxwell48 on

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