Plastic shopping bags contribute to the pollution of land and sea.Some people think they should be banned.Do you agree or disagree. Give examples for your answers.

There is no denying the fact that the majority of people use plastic bags more frequently for shopping.
it is a commonly held belief that there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about contributing shopping bags made of plastic to environmental pollution, there is
an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that
, are the reason why we have pollution on our planet.
To begin
with, using
will lead to serious consequences.
In other words
, the consumption of plastic bags regularly will harm not only human beings but
other creatures that live on land or oceans.
In addition
, we should be concerned about saving our natural resources and animals from extinction by mitigating the use of
For example
, research has found that many animals are extinct
due to
. they found that most of these creatures who live on land or seas eat grass that contains
, and
as a result
, they are dying because of
reason. Another point to consider, people should be concerned about the subsequent damage that, will be done to the earth by using too much
. It is
possible to say that, we may not see the damage now, but in the future, we will regret that we did not take immediate action to avoid
horrible crisis from developing.
, it takes time to decompose the
For instance
according to
a study in the UK, it takes about 1000 years to degrade
in landfills. In conclusion, despite people having different views, I believe that
are harming our planet, in order to safeguard our world we need to predict the damage in the future and take action to prevent
Submitted by deemaalkhathlan1 on

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task achievement
Your essay effectively addresses the task by discussing both the problems and responding to the prompt clearly. However, consider further elaboration on why some people think plastic bags should not be banned to present a more balanced view.
task achievement
While your ideas are generally clear, a few sentences are hard to follow due to awkward phrasing or grammar issues (e.g., 'It is also possible to say that, we may not see the damage now, but in the future, we will regret that we did not take immediate action'). Revising these sentences for clarity will enhance your response.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps guide the reader. However, the essay would benefit from smoother transitions between paragraphs and within them to improve cohesiveness. Linking words and phrases can help with this (e.g., 'Furthermore,' 'Another point to consider is,' etc.).
coherence cohesion
Main points are supported with examples, but these can be further elaborated. For example, expand on how we can 'save our natural resources and animals from extinction' by providing concrete actions or solutions.
task achievement
The essay contains a clear stance and reiterates it in the conclusion, showing a strong position on the topic.
coherence cohesion
Relevant and specific examples are provided to support main points, such as the impact of plastics on animals and the long decomposition time.
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