In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem.What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?

In the present age, how the concerns about the high volume of
could be dealt with has sparked much debate. The primary reason we need to take into consideration is
Correct article usage
the hectic
show examples
plans of companies and schools leading to the mind-blowing amount of cars gathering in the streets. Having taken the measures like the improvement in
every day
Correct your spelling
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arrangements or sponsorship of cycling routes and public
, the issue could be managed. Most importantly, spending hours in a
jam is brought about by the tight schedule in most of the jobs or schools. More specifically, if the timetables of businesses or educational institutions weren‘t so strict, the scale of
jams would be reduced.
, the flexibility of working hours,
as well as
Correct article usage
the timings
show examples
of lessons should be the best possible solution.
For instance
, after the lockdown of
Correct article usage
the coronavirus
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pandemic had come to an end, the employers didn‘t demand their workers to start their tasks precisely at 8 o‘clock and finish at 5 o‘clock or even come to an office on a daily basis.
As a result
jams were avoided and
hardly no
Rewrite the sentence
hardly any
show examples
time had to be wasted sitting in the car.
, the popularity of cars has risen immensely in the
few decades as their accessibility has incredibly increased which frequently causes blockage of automobiles.
issue wouldn‘t be minimized unless more people chose to catch a train, bus, metro or
Verb problem
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a bike. Essentially, the financial support for public
as well as
society‘s awareness to take advantage
Change preposition
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it, is needed.
For example
, since the action of counting steps began, the tendency to reach a destination on foot rather than by car has become more popular, especially among inhabitants of the city centre.
, more and more citizens find it sensible to opt for a walk or a bicycle
of ending up in a
To sum up
Correct article usage
the busy
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and precise schedules of employees and students,
as well as
the growth of
Change noun form
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drivers, are the main causes of daily long queues of cars that are barely moving. Alterations of the current timetables,
in addition
to the investment in infrastructure of public
and social consciousness regarding the issue could be the means to tackle
Submitted by oimigle on

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Ensure that you maintain a formal tone throughout your essay. Some phrases like 'mind-blowing amount of cars' can be replaced with more formal expressions such as 'substantial volume of cars.'
Review your use of articles and singular/plural nouns for a more accurate grammar. For instance, change 'a bicycle' to 'bicycles' when talking in general about using bicycles as a transport alternative.
Work on providing more specific examples to reinforce your points. This can help to make your arguments more compelling and concrete.
task response
The essay provides a clear and comprehensive response to the task, addressing both the causes and potential solutions to the problem of high traffic volume.
The structure of the essay is logical and effective. Each paragraph focuses on a specific aspect, leading to a clear development of the argument.
introduction conclusion
The introduction and conclusion are both strong, providing a good framing for the essay and summarizing the main points effectively.
The essay includes relevant vocabulary and makes an effort to use varied sentence structures, contributing to its overall readability.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • traffic congestion
  • urbanization
  • car ownership
  • public transportation
  • carpooling
  • cycling infrastructure
  • congestion pricing
  • population growth
  • commute
  • sustainable transport
  • traffic management
  • ride-sharing
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