Both government investment in public transport systems and reductions in public transport ticket prices will help to reduce transport pollution greatly. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is unfortunate that in the midst of vast progress in every field of life, there is still a growth of air pollution. To tackle
dilemma, some
advocate for better
infrastructure and cheaper
fares, I strongly agree with the idea as it is an effective way to encourage
to take public transportation
reducing pollution.
To begin
with, investment in public
systems may increase the options for transportation, and bring commuters a more reliable transit system which sends passengers to more destinations. Nowadays, more and more
are in favour of travelling by car,
that is
due to
the convenience brought by private vehicles,
as controllability and punctuality.
, for the purpose of reducing
emissions as a whole, it is imperative to increase the number of public transportation users by reducing the number of car users. A mode of better public
is not enough, economic factors are
For example
, sometimes a subway ticket can be more expensive than the share of taking an Uber with other passengers. Or, the total train ticket price for a family is higher than that if they drive their own car.
, reducing public
fares can have a positive influence on
's choices, especially on special groups of commuters who have a daily need to travel to school or work.
To conclude
, to solve the problem of today's severe
pollution, governments should allocate a budget to improve the public
systems and reduce ticket prices. Of course, there are other measures that can be taken
as enhancing citizen's awareness and developing new energy,
, I still believe the mentioned methods are the most effective ones.
Submitted by carriexue23 on

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Your essay on government investment in public transport and reduction in transport ticket prices is very well thought out and addresses the topic effectively. You present a clear argument and provide adequate support for it.
task achievement
Consider adding more specific examples to strengthen your argument, such as referencing successful public transport systems in specific cities or countries that have implemented similar measures.
coherence cohesion
You could reinforce the coherence and cohesion of your essay by ensuring each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next. Connect your conclusion more tightly with the body of your essay to drive your points home more effectively.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction effectively sets the stage for your argument and clearly states your position on the issue.
logical structure
The essay is well-structured with a logical flow of ideas that makes it easy to follow your argument.
complete response
You provide a comprehensive response to the prompt and cover multiple aspects of the issue, which demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainable transport
  • carbon footprint
  • mass transit
  • subsidization
  • fare reduction
  • environmental impact
  • urban planning
  • public policy
  • commuter behavior
  • infrastructural development
  • economic efficiency
  • equitable access
  • lifestyle shift
  • congestion
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