In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes that have occurred? Do you think these changes are positive or negative?

modern society has experienced a dramatic change over the
few years related to family structure and members’ main duties in their own
. From my perspective,
transformation brings many upsides to all members of
To begin
with, There are many differences regarding family structure and family roles.
in the past were extended
, including more than three generations living together, people turn to live in nuclear
. One obvious reason for
shift may be in terms of privacy.
That is
to say, individuals want to have more private space, which hardly can be found when living with many other members. In terms of members’ roles, because of under Chinese domination for a long time, fathers played a part as breadwinners who focused on earning a living
mothers were housewives whose duties were to take care of other members and do the household chores.
, nowadays, women play an equal role as men in generating income. Many of them can even earn as much money as men and preserve the family nest. Needless to say, women can have a say in any important decisions in their
. These variations are believed to have many advantages for everyone. The first benefit is related to human rights.
In other words
, each person has their own right to chase their dream and manage to achieve their goals.
For example
, children including both boys and girls nowadays are allowed to go to school.
As a result
, they are given equal opportunities to be successful when they grow up. The second highlight is regarding spiritual life. Men may have less burden on finances as their wives contribute to the family budget.
, women feel more comfortable when their husbands share the housework and support their decisions in life. In conclusion, the transformations offer many upsides
as individualism, privacy and spiritual life.
, it is essential for individuals to adapt to these positive changes to make the world a better place to live.
Submitted by bichngoc.ngochoa on

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task response
While the essay is well-organized, the paragraph about changes in family roles could benefit from a bit more depth and specificity, perhaps including more examples or discussing more cultural contexts.
coherence and cohesion
The essay maintains strong coherence, but be careful with minor grammatical errors and variations in capitalization, such as 'To begin with, There are many...', which should be 'To begin with, there are many...'.
coherence and cohesion
The essay presents a clear, well-structured argument that is easy to follow, with a distinct introduction and conclusion.
task response
The points discussed are relevant and well-developed, providing sufficient examples to support the main arguments.
coherence and cohesion
The conclusion succinctly summarizes the main points and reiterates the overall positive view of the changes.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Family structure
  • Modern family
  • Extended family
  • Nuclear family
  • Same-sex parent families
  • Breadwinner
  • Caregiving responsibilities
  • Family dynamics
  • Globalization
  • Economic shifts
  • Migration
  • Child-free lifestyles
  • Cohabitation
  • Traditional marriage
  • Perceptions
  • Homemaker
  • Communication
  • Shared activities
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