With the advancement in technology, there is a debate about whether public libraries should be maintained or let the computer do their job.I tend to disagree with
statement of technology replacing the literature points as the internet does not give access to all journals free of cost and libraries provide a better environment for research.
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To begin
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with the rapid development of networks, one can get access to all the material online Linking Words
sitting at home, there is limited content that can be viewed without paying.Most of the journals ask for subscription which is usually out of range of ordinary persons.Linking Words
For instance
, the New England Journal of Medicine allows its viewers to see only the extract of scientific publications but in order to read the topic in detail, it requires the readers to pay a handsome amount of money.Linking Words
On the other hand
, many government literary institutes have subscriptions to Linking Words
journals that are available freely to all the members.
Another important factor favouring the maintenance of libraries is the peaceful nature of Linking Words
places where scholars can come and study for hours without interruption.Linking Words
On the contrary
, browsing the network at home requires patience as there are problems with internet connectivity and noisy surroundings.Linking Words
,it provides an opportunity to discuss the difficult topic with colleagues studying there for better understanding.Linking Words
For instance
, whenever I plan to read a special topic ,I go to nearby study rooms with my friends to find reference materials and discuss the finer details related to that subject.
In conclusion, I believe that the library is an important institution Linking Words
that is
worth preserving because it gives access to vast knowledge at no cost and it gives better studying opportunities that computer technology cannot provide.Linking Words