As the internet becomes more popular, newspapers are becoming a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Nowadays, the internet is more admired by individuals,
newspapers an objects of the previous days. I totally agree with
view because online platform is an easy and convenient way for everyone.
, by connecting with the internet, humans engage with social media.
, they know different news
as well as
activities in a single webpage by using
In addition
, they connect with their friends and family members. Online services are always available in any part of a country.
, it covers more topics than a newspaper.
For example
, some researchers conducted research and found that people show more interest in using numerous websites
due to
enjoying images, audio and videos. It saves time and money than others.
On the other hand
, it provides information about any countries in the world and the cosmos. Not only local but
any type of details data.
as political, national, international, sports and so on. But a magazine provides only the main features of a particular country and place.
, it is a quick method. Anyone can know anything within a second and everyone can use
, sometimes a print paper focuses only on negative views but in social media, we can get both positive and negative. So, people like to engage with it to get the truth.
For instance
, in Bangladesh, rural persons are detached from any newspaper because the authorities failed to supply
and it is a long way from the main towns.
, individuals can get easy access to any online activities. In conclusion,
ancient people waited more time and relied only on a magazine for any messages, young generations are faster than our past. They want everything in their hand. So, they engage social sites through various apps and software.
Submitted by Aafuankazinatoshi on

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task response
To enhance your task response, ensure that all your points are directly relevant to the question. Make sure each paragraph has a single clear point and avoid repetitive ideas.
coherence cohesion
For improved coherence and cohesion, use linking words and phrases more effectively to make the flow of ideas smoother. Also, check for pronoun consistency and avoid abrupt transitions between points.
task response
Your essay provides a clear response to the task and presents multiple supporting points, which strengthens your argument.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear logical structure in your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which helps in following your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Access
  • Convenient
  • Fast
  • Expensive
  • Wider range
  • News sources
  • Perspectives
  • Readership
  • Demographics
  • Physical
  • Tangible
  • Reading experience
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