You have arranged a meeting with a business partner. Unfortunately, you have to change the arrangement. Write a letter to your business partner. In your letter, apologize for the changes explain the reason why the changes were needed explain the new arrangement

Dear Mr. John, Greetings, I hope
letter finds you in good health, I am writing to you concerning our upcoming meeting, I would like to apologize for not coming
Change preposition
show examples
the date
due to
an emergency matter. I would like to suggest a new date which will be
Change preposition
show examples
the 21 of June 2024. Actually, my wife is pregnant as you know and she is in the latest months of pregnancy,
, she did not feel well
I had to be with
Correct your spelling
show examples
the whole time.
I am quite busy and have several business meetings, I must cancel them all. Fortunately, the suggested date will suit both of us as you will be done with your project preparation,
, I will have done some deep
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
which will help us to take the right decision. I'm looking forward to your kind reply. Best Regards, Omar San.
Submitted by abdoo.magicoo on

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task achievement
Ensure all parts of the task are fully addressed. Mentioning potential impacts on the partner's plans would strengthen the response.
coherence cohesion
Work on maintaining clarity and precision in expression. Avoid repetition and ensure conciseness for better readability.
task achievement
The tone is polite and formal, which is appropriate for a business letter.
coherence cohesion
The sentences are logically structured and clear, aiding the overall coherence.
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