Differences between countries are becoming less evident. Nowadays people are watching the same films, fashion brands, advertisements and TV channels. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?

Nowadays, it isn't easy to distinguish between other countries because most individuals have similar tastes in food, clothing, brands, and television shows.
the younger generations are moving away from their traditional origins,
trend has more positive effects than the drawbacks
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because it fosters respect for
another's cultures through shared interests. The primary disadvantage of
trend is that younger generations are becoming less connected to their cultural heritage. Young
choose to wear the newest brands rather
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than dress
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traditionally for
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occasions because they want to set a fashion trend.
For instance
, the majority of college students in India used to dress traditionally, but these days, western fashion has a greater influence on them. But
as a result
of these
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individuals are getting along better and sharing meals with
another regardless of their backgrounds. Sharing foods and brands
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many benefits, including allowing individuals to sample a wide range of cuisines and learn about
another's cultures. Most
are likely to adjust to new circumstances and find happiness in forming new relationships.
get relief when they
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more connected to and welcomed by others.
For example
, immigrants begin to blend in with the culture of the nation they are living in, feeling content and happy to the point where it is difficult to identify them. In conclusion, it is undeniable that
in different countries are becoming less
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to distinguish between
another in terms of taste in cuisine, fashion, and other forms of entertainment. Both men and women, in my opinion, feel more
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another and content with
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the variety
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of possibilities available to them.
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coherence cohesion
Your essay is coherent and structured well, but pay attention to small grammatical errors and awkward phrases, like 'for spend occasions.' Proofreading might help you catch these inconsistencies.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction and conclusion are clear and logically connected, but try to be more concise and avoid repetition of ideas. Refining your statements could improve the overall flow.
relevant specific examples
Make sure to provide specific, relevant examples to support your points more effectively. While you do include examples, they can be more detailed and directly linked to your arguments.
clear comprehensive ideas
Ensure all ideas are fully developed and clearly explained. Elaborate on how shared interests foster respect and connection by giving more specific examples. Expand more on the advantages to provide a more balanced viewpoint.
coherence cohesion
Your essay effectively discusses both advantages and disadvantages, maintaining a balanced perspective throughout.
supported main points
You provide clear examples to illustrate your points, such as the influence of Western fashion on Indian college students.
complete response
Your writing demonstrates a strong understanding of the topic, and you have addressed all parts of the task.

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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