Some people say that wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Certain individuals believe that in today's world, there is no benefit to the existence of non-domesticated
, as it is just a misuse of resources.
help regulate the population sizes of various species, I firmly believe that wild creatures often put people's lives at risk.
To begin
with, Wild
as elephants or bears, may cause damage to crops, homes, or infrastructure, resulting in economic losses for individuals and communities.
, they are able to attack and kill livestock, impacting the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers.
In addition
, people will not attend the areas which are the shelters of indigenous fauna. Untamed creatures may encroach upon farmers' fields, where their vital resources like food and water are cultivated, posing a threat to their livelihoods.
For instance
, in 2018, a wild cheetah incursionated seven pets in a village in Peru.
On the other hand
, many wild
play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal, supporting plant growth and reproduction.
, they are the best livestock, which leads to scientific discoveries and medical advancements. It is evident that wild
contribute significantly to safeguarding human life, particularly in the medical field. Researching fauna improves our comprehension of ecology, behaviour, and evolutionary processes, enriching scientific knowledge and educational prospects. Despite the resource expenditure involved in their preservation, their presence holds immense value in our lives.
For instance
, in 2022, scientists in Brazil found that the venom of the Amazonian dart frog contains compounds capable of curing a rare ailment known as Mygel's syndrome. In conclusion,
wild livestock play an integral part in the natural ecosystem, I think it is arduous to find a balance between ensuring human safety and preserving these
to maintain ecological harmony with and benefit from their potential contributions.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph clearly supports the central argument and stays focused on a single main idea. This will enhance the logical structure.
coherence cohesion
While the examples provided are relevant, ensure that they are seamlessly integrated into the argument without disrupting the paragraph's flow.
task achievement
Further elaborate on how the negative impacts of wild animals on humans can be balanced with the need for conservation. This will provide a more nuanced response to the task.
task achievement
Clarify sentence structures to avoid ambiguities, as some sentences may appear convoluted or unclear.
coherence cohesion
A clear introduction and conclusion are present, providing a strong framework for the essay.
task achievement
The essay includes specific examples that effectively illustrate the points made, such as the example of the cheetah in Peru and the Amazonian dart frog.
task achievement
You address both sides of the argument, showing a balanced perspective.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Biodiversity
  • Ecological balance
  • Ethical duty
  • Extinct species
  • Wildlife tourism
  • Eco-tourism
  • Economic revenue
  • Scientific research
  • Biological processes
  • Natural heritage
  • Future generations
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Healthy ecosystems
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Habitat preservation
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