Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Learning languages
your mother tongue has become a trend and necessity for an Individual who wants to relocate to other territories. A group of people believe that the only reason behind learning a second
is to study or work in a foreign nation;
, others argue that learning a new vocation is not only limited to studying abroad or working there.
essay will discuss both notions and argue in
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of the latter one.
To begin
with the former view, proponents contend that folks only learn new speech because they want to travel to another country or if they are planning to relocate.
In other words
, during
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you need to communicate with others in case you are lost in your roots,
you can ask for their assistance.
, if you want to study abroad you will be required to understand lectures in your native
For instance
, if a person gets admission to a university in Canada and does not know the English
it will be difficult for him to understand the concept.
On the other hand
, others and I believe that the rationale for learning secondary vocation is not only limited to
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and working abroad, but it
helps in interpersonal relationships of countries and it promotes global interaction. To explain, speaking the same
is essential for people who are presenting their countries in global level competitions like the Olympics.
, to understand global conflict, individuals should know other languages. Learning secondary speech provides you with a feeling of self-confidence in an individual.
To conclude
an adaptation to a new vocation is
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paramount for travelling and studying or working abroad, I personally believe
that is
important for taking part in global competition, maintaining interpersonal connections with residents of other nations, and for self-confidence.
Submitted by buyabuya201 on

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task achievement
While your essay presents a thorough discussion of both views on learning foreign languages, it could benefit from additional concrete examples and deeper exploration of the arguments, especially in terms of global relations and self-confidence.
coherence cohesion
Your essay follows a logical structure and includes an introduction and a conclusion. However, linking phrases or transition words could be used more consistently to connect ideas within paragraphs for a smoother flow.
coherence cohesion
Work on integrating your main points and supporting details more effectively. Expand on the examples provided to strengthen your argument and ensure each key point is well-developed.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames your essay well.
task achievement
Your ability to discuss both sides of the argument showcases a balanced perspective.

Your opinion

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Don’t leave your opinion until the conclusion.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • multilingual
  • linguistic proficiency
  • globalized world
  • cross-cultural communication
  • immersive experience
  • adaptability
  • cultural exchange
  • interpersonal skills
  • employment prospects
  • empathy
  • intellectual development
  • overcome language barriers
  • global market
  • resourceful
  • life-changing
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