The bar chart shows the number of male and female students doing scientific research across a range of disciplines at a UK university in 2009.

The bar chart shows the number of male and female students doing scientific research across a range of disciplines at a UK university in 2009.
The given bar chart illustrates how many students were doing research courses in the UK during 2009, broken down by gender.
, it can be seen that there were more males in every subject, except for animals' healthcare.
biology and medicine researchers made up most of the higher education, an enormous gap between the 2 sexes was seen in physics. Regarding the 3 fields which were related to biology, about 220 men and 200 women were doing the most popular course of biology, respectively.
, there were roughly 200 male participants in the medicine subjects, 20 attendants more than the opposite gender.
By contrast
, animal care attracted more females at over 100 participants,
there were just nearly 80 men. Looking at the remaining subjects with men accounting for the majority of the course, under 50 students did research related to physics, which was just approximately a quarter of the males.
, astronomy and geology witnessed identical student numbers at more or less 150 males and less than half of that for women.
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