The table below shows the numbers of visitors to the Ashdown museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The chart show the result of a survey asking visitors how satisfied they are with their visit during the same two periods.

The table below shows the numbers of visitors to the Ashdown museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The chart show the result of a survey asking visitors how satisfied they are with their visit during the same two periods.
The table indicates the statistics of visitors to the Asdown Museum before and after it was modified.
, before the modification of the museum, the majority of people were not happy about the configuration of the building but after some transformation, the number of satisfaction increased significantly. Prior to the works, exactly half of the tourists did not appreciate the design of the building including 40% dissatisfied and 10% very dissatisfied.
On the other hand
, 30% loved the architecture and 15% were immensely glad of that. After refurbishment, the majority of visitors changed their mind about the new museum reaching 75% satisfied individuals
as 40% satisfied and 35% quite in
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, the proportion of negative opinions deeply declined to 20%. The data of the reluctant public remained stable at 5% in both cases.
Submitted by ibamba88 on

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Common mistake: Your writing should be 150-250 words.
Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Vocabulary: The word "about" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
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