Some museums and art galleries charge admission fees, while others have free entry. Do you think the advantages of free admission outweigh the disadvantages?

The educational value of museum artefacts and art galleries is paramount, yet the approach to
varies. Whilst free entry is an optimal way to achieve a better outcome, it still has some disadvantages.
, I believe that the benefits of free
far outweigh its drawbacks. One significant advantage of offering free
to museums and art galleries is the accessibility it provides to cultural and historical artefacts.
allows people of all backgrounds to engage with their heritage and gain a sense of pride in their identity.
For example
, Indigenous communities can access their cultural artefacts and learn about their ancestors' achievements in architecture and metallurgical technology.
fosters a deeper connection to their history and promotes national pride.
, there are some demerits of free entry
. The foremost disadvantage is
discourages art-loving visitors because of
overcrowding environment and the numerous conversations among non-specialist amateurs, which made them lose inspiration.
, people will not respect what they do not pay for.
For instance
, managers of these venues complained about some destructive activities of numerous tourists: engraving their names on statues, which led to higher maintenance
method will generate more financial burden for limitation national budget, as these entities cannot cover their maintenance
, electricity bills and monthly worker salaries. These financial sources could be spent on many diverse range of urgent vexing conundrums including free medical services and unemployment subsidizing.
To conclude
to museums and art galleries may have its challenges, overcrowding and financial strain, the educational benefits and accessibility it offers outweigh these drawbacks. It is crucial to prioritize educating the public about their history and culture, making free
a worthwhile investment.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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task achievement
You provided a clear and well-developed argument, but you could further elaborate your points with more specific examples. For instance, when discussing accessibility, mention specific museums or cultural programs that have benefited from free admission.
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coherence cohesion
While your essay is logically structured, ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. This can be achieved by using phrases that link one idea to the next.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are clear and well-articulated, providing a strong frame for your essay.
task achievement
Your response fully addresses the task, providing balanced arguments for both sides before presenting your viewpoint.
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