It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a restaurant nearby? Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?

In the case of a new restaurant opening near my neighbourhood, I believe that the strengths still outweigh the weaknesses of
essay will describe some related examples based on my experiences. In fact, food is one of the vital factors for quality living. It is obvious that having a restaurant nearby is likely to positively impact people's lives with regard to food accessibility which is a main advantage of
For instance
, in the rainy season, most people may not want to go out far away from their homes
due to
the weather and traffic.
As a result
, individuals might significantly prefer eating at the restaurants in their neighborhood which may take just less than a 10-minute walk from their homes.
incident might bring about much prosperity in the future in terms of new trading emerging in these areas. To exemplify
statement, when a new cafeteria is going well with plenty of customers and high revenues.
considerably impacts the value of nearby spaces and attracts a group of investors to invest more in
On the other hand
, having a food shop nearby seems like it has many benefits.
, there are some weaknesses to
advancement regarding the style of living. In fact, the more community come into these spaces, the less private people who live nearby will have.
For example
, if your home is next to a cafeteria, you may hear the community talking including the car engines all the time which could be noise pollution.
Correct pronoun usage
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negatively causes a problem of privacy and peace of living for all the population living nearby.
To conclude
, I personally think that the advantages reasonably outweigh the disadvantages with regard to
issue still requires Government responsibility in order to appropriately handle it with minimized negative effects.
Submitted by phanphetpor on

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Try to ensure all your points are fully developed and avoid repetition. For example, your discussion of the rainy season and proximity of the restaurant could be expanded to include other scenarios.
sentence structure
Improve sentence structure and consistency. Sometimes, your sentences are slightly disjointed, which can lead to a loss of clarity.
Try to provide more detailed examples to support your points. For instance, illustrate how the restaurant could impact local traffic or specific improvements in quality of life from increased investment.
You have articulated a clear stance on the issue, and your conclusion effectively summarizes your points.
Your writing is structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, which makes it easy to follow.
You provided relevant examples to support your points, which adds depth to your essay.
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