Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and poluttion problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures fdo you think might be effective?

Fuel prices being referred to as an ideal way to overcome the current
and pollution issues is a statement that I disagree with. I find that there are measures more optimal to address the same issues. Below, I will highlight some methods
along with
addressing the issue with the statement. A rise in the prices of fuel would not drive the usage of
lower. There is a driving force behind the choice of one's transportation means. If an individual chooses to purchase and drive a car,
understanding the reasoning behind it is the key to finding solutions for the
For instance
, Qatari residents are not able to walk or ride a bike in the Middle Eastern climate, which results in
being the optimal choice of transport. To lessen the
and pollution, the country has created a public transportation system that adheres to society's needs
as air-conditioned
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
and metro stations.
In addition
, there are different methods to decrease both
and petrol's effect on the environment. Relying on solar power or renewable energy to fuel the
is an option that will lead to more sustainable means of public transit.
, reshaping how vehicles are made or how people go from point A to point B would reshape
and roads.
For example
, carpooling and school buses lead to fewer
on the road. These types of methods would make the same impact as increasing the price of petrol. In conclusion, understanding the reason behind people's transportation choices and needs is the key to lessening the environmental problems caused by it.
Submitted by najlaa.alshahwani on

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Try to expand on the ideas and provide more specific examples or case studies. This can help in fully supporting your main points.
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Ensure that each paragraph has a clear main idea, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. This will strengthen the logical flow of your essay.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
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The arguments presented are relevant and address the essay question effectively.
task achievement
There are good examples provided, such as the mention of public transportation in Qatar.
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