Many people go through life doing work that they hate or have no talent for. Why does this happen? What are the consequences of this situation? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, many young
are forced to participate in jobs that they dislike or are not good at. There are many explanations for
phenomenon, and I believe that
issue may have some drawbacks. There are several factors leading to working an unwanted job. First of all, there is a lack of quality education in many countries. Many
want to study highly specialized subjects
as medicine or engineering;
, some facilities in their hometown are unable to support their studies.
, a great number of individuals have to stop their academic education, making them do unrelated jobs. Another reason for
problem is that most parents desire their children to pursue the jobs that they believe are best suited for them.
, children tend to obey their parents’s comments, so they often follow the instructions that their parents give them.
For instance
, in some Asian countries, like China or Vietnam, the majority of students are willing to study in the field that their parents choose, whether they like it or not, and only a small number of youngsters enjoy their
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field. Admittedly, there are various results when
work in a field that they hate or are not fond of.
To begin
will badly affect their performance. In fact,
they are used to the work, their
productivity can be negatively affected, leading to the decline of the company.
can limit career advancement, earning potential, and even job security, which will create a vicious cycle where motivation and job satisfaction are lost. Not only that, the impact of
situation can have bad effects on individuals’s health. These
often experience stress, burnout, or fatigue, harming both their physical and mental health. In conclusion, the phenomenon of
working in fields they hate or lack talent for is a complex issue
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many reasons, including parents’s pressure or poor education.
problem has plenty of detrimental outcomes, and addressing
challenge requires both attention from families and the government.
Submitted by khoianh2404 on

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task achievement
You have provided a clear and comprehensive response to the task, addressing the reasons why people work in jobs they dislike and the consequences of this situation. However, to improve, consider including more detailed examples and perhaps some statistical data to further strengthen your arguments.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-organized with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. To enhance coherence and cohesion, try to use more varied transitional phrases and linking words to ensure smooth flow of ideas throughout the essay.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly outlines the topic and your opinion, setting a clear direction for the essay.
logical structure
You have effectively structured your arguments, providing clear reasons and consequences for the main issue discussed in the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • dread
  • passion
  • inherent talent
  • fufilling
  • career
  • job
  • fulfilled
  • unhappy
  • unsatisfied
  • work-life balance
  • burnout
  • stress
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • self-esteem
  • emotional well-being
  • potential
  • achieve
  • success
  • personal growth
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