The chart shows information about various professions in the UK and their salaries. The table shows the average working hours per week for each profession.

The chart shows information about various professions in the UK and their salaries. The table shows the average working hours per week for each profession.
Demonstrated in the bar chart is the data about different occupations
along with
the monthly income they provide
the table gives information regarding those jobs' working time each week.
, underground drivers have the highest salary among the surveyed jobs at the start of
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career and 3 years after, as opposed to working as nurses.
, it is shown that teachers and firefighters work much longer than
Correct article usage
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other jobs. Looking at the bar in
detail, the monthly income of underground drivers starts a substantial at almost £50,000, and later rises to the North of £50,000 after 3 years of working. Followed by firefighters who
get paid £40,000 and will eventually receive £25,000 more. Regarding teachers,
Correct subject-verb agreement
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and nurses, the average salaries those careers have are recorded at approximately £35,000, £22,000,
Correct word choice
and £
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16,000 in the beginning, after a 3-year period, the figures slightly increase by a marginal £1,000. Turning to the table, the longest working
are that of teachers and firefighters, both sharing the same value at 55
per week. Meanwhile, the remaining occupations all work short
for each week, ranging from 36 to 40
with police being the highest and underground driver being the lowest.
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Vocabulary: Replace the words hours with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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