Some people think that keeping pets is good for children while others think it is dangerous and unhealthy. Which opinion do you agree with? Discuss both options and give examples

Nowadays, we hardly find any house without at least a single pet as it has become an important member of families.
some people believe that animals are good for
because of their companionship, others are of the opinion that these are harmful
due to
safety reasons. In my opinion, even though there are negative sides to keeping
at house, it is always advantageous to have
at home. Animals
as dogs, cats, birds, etc. are usually liked and loved by little ones since their early childhood days.
is because these lovable beings create an amicable atmosphere with young boys and girls which results in an unbreakable bond and friendship.
as their soul mates to indulge in various activities
as playing, daily exercises and even eating.
For instance
, a recent study in Australia reveals that toddlers who grew up with
are compassionate and friendly compared to others of similar age.
, considering all these aspects, domestic animals at our shelters are beneficial for
to grow up in a healthy environment.
On the contrary
, there are several scenarios where
cause harm to
owing to unsafe conditions.
For example
, the small hairs of dogs or cats can be hazardous if little girls or boys inadvertently breathe or swallow.
In addition
, these innocent living beings may become dangerous when they are affected by sickness or spreading diseases
as rabies resulting in unexpected attacks towards
, bringing up
at residences can be unhealthy and harmful in case of odd circumstances
To conclude
are the most respectful and lovable mates in
they can be threatening at times
due to
their body structure or illness, they form a good companion to
of all ages. In my viewpoint,
in contrast
to its detrimental effects, it is advisable to keep
at our place of residence so that all members of the family can enjoy their presence and love.
Submitted by gloriasherin on

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coherence cohesion
To further improve your essay, consider enhancing the logical flow between ideas by using more varied transitional phrases. For example, you can use phrases like 'On the other hand,' or 'Furthermore,' to better connect sentences and paragraphs.
task achievement
Make sure to address potential counterarguments more comprehensively to strengthen your position. For instance, you could discuss specific ways to mitigate the risks associated with keeping pets, such as regular veterinary check-ups or proper hygiene practices.
introduction conclusion present
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing the discussion on both opinions regarding children and pets.
supported main points
The main points are well-supported with relevant examples and logical explanations, such as the study from Australia highlighting the positive effects of pets on children's development.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • companion
  • responsibility
  • care
  • empathy
  • compassion
  • social skills
  • transmit
  • diseases
  • allergies
  • safety risks
  • time
  • effort
  • money
  • mature
  • handle
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