The first chart shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. THe second chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which ressult from this energy use.

The first chart shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. THe second chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which ressult from this energy use.
The first pie diagram illustrates the proportion of energy used by appliances in Australian households and the second pie chart presents the fraction of the emission of harmful gas in six household systems.
it is clear that
the heating system consumes a vast amount of energy
cooling uses the least.
, greenhouse gas was emitted mainly by heating
whilst cooling remains in the final place.
To begin
with, the percentage of heating in Australian households occupied a gigantic 42% followed by using it to heat
at 30%. Other appliances were 15% and cooling came in
place with only a meagre 2%. What is interesting to note is other appliances were less than
heating by exactly two times.
On the other hand
, the greenhouse gas was mainly released by the process of heating
, with an enormous 32%,
, other devices registered a massive 28%. Heating and refrigeration had almost the same per cent which were 15% and 14% respectively,
, the cooling system only accounted for a minuscule 3%. What is surprising to see is lightning, at 8%, was totally different from the
heating around 4 times.
Submitted by nnatthinee on

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