In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehical will be passenger. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

With electric cars and the development of artificial intelligence, some car brands have had an enormous advancement in the driverless feature. Before soon,
will no longer be necessary for all vehicles
as cars, buses and trucks; and there will be passenger-only transportation. It is inevitable that there is debate over driving a car automatically. In my opinion, I believe drawbacks might overtake the advantages. On one hand, the significant innovation of the automatic driving
is indeed a great solution for some
who suffer inconvenience
For instance
are treated equally and they are allowed to enjoy entertainment with passengers
as eating snacks, watching videos on the screen, and admiring the scenery outside the windows without distractions. Their enjoyment of the trip might be able to meet the same level as others do.
, the electronic-reliance characteristic might lead to serious issues.
On the other hand
, once the battery or the controller is disabled, the vehicle might lose grip which no one is aware of in a sudden. There were few reports indicating
were so incautious that they read a book by relying on the auto-driving
. Even worse, some
even took a nap
driving. Without a doubt, these scenarios all led to a tragedy of serious accidents
due to
the irresponsible usage and abuse of the
, I believe that people should not completely rely on any inhuman innovations, which are incomparable to the human brain. In conclusion, since it is evidently a significant advantage in driverless vehicles, I believe drawbacks only overweight them when people abuse the
. People should not fully rely on
innovation, being mindful of the surrounding traffic is the most basic driving ethic. Afterwards, traffic security could be maintained by every member of the community.
Submitted by vsunnloe147 on

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To really strengthen your essay, consider providing more detailed and specific examples. This can help to illustrate your points more clearly and make your argument more persuasive.
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Ensure that each paragraph fully supports one main idea and that each idea is clearly connected to your thesis statement. This can help achieve better cohesion in your essay.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction clearly presents the topic and your opinion, making it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
task achievement
You have provided a balanced discussion of both advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicles, which shows a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • autonomous
  • driverless
  • human error
  • congestion
  • mobility
  • independence
  • energy-efficient
  • pollution
  • fossil fuel
  • economic impact
  • infrastructure
  • maintenance
  • insurance
  • psychological benefits
  • hacking
  • data privacy
  • ethical programming
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