explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment what can governments do to address these problems

It has been an omnipresent belief that human beings have an inextricable relationship with nature.
, the exacerbation of the milieu qualities over the past decades has formed an adverse bearing on human life. The writer of
essay will indicate some metrics spelling trouble for the ecosystem before outlining some feasible remedies to mitigate the dilemma. Attempting to shed light on the negative impacts on the flora and fauna from human activities, the colossal quantity of energy consumed for manufacturing is definitely a major contributor to
problem. To put it simply, the massive exhaust emissions released from the combustion of fossil fuels have catastrophically compounded air pollution.
condition is
more severe with the significant upward trends in utilizing fuel-powered vehicles.Take the rate of car ownership among the Vietnamese masses as an exemplification which has rendered the atmosphere in major cities alarmingly contaminated.
In addition
, single-use products are now considered a prevalent trend in recent years when people tend to litter domestic waste into the milieu.
In other words
, it can come from the habit of disregarding inexpensive products which are the principal key leading to the overloading of landfills or polluted water sources. Turning to some plausible solutions can be implemented to remedy the aforementioned issues. First and foremost, the government should allocate more state budget to green energy which can lower the dependence on carbon fuels.
For instance
, Vin Group is one of the firms that took the lead in manufacturing electrical vehicles which will consolidate the constraints of abusing fossil fuels and cut down on the tremendous varieties of toxic exhaust fumes.
, it is
imperative to raise awareness about environmental degradation through some propaganda strategies. To grasp it, when the residents comprehend the acute severity and its repercussions to the surroundings, they would be nudged towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
For example
, consumers nowadays have altered the plastic straws with the paper straws which are capable of being biodegradable. In conclusion, unbridled consumption of conventional energy and waste of goods are the two primary root causes behind the environmental issues which should be urgently eradicated by the proposed solutions to build up the protection for the whole planet.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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