IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that making friends on online platforms is not as valuable as making physically. I strongly agree with the statement that emphasizes face-to-face friendships's benefits. This essay will contend several rea
It is undeniable that having a true friend is priceless and it cannot be found effortlessly around. With progress in modern technologies, communications are easily accessible via cell phones and other platforms. it has p
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact friendships that take place online are not as meaningful as those where people meet each other face to face. While this statement is valid to some exten
One prominent view point suggests that meeting directly is more beneficial for creating good friendships than via network platforms. In my opinion, I do not side with this idea.
Many people believe that online friendship possesses less value than in person. I completely agree with this opinion and believe that real life friendships are more meaningfule because of physical presence and shared exp
Many people believe that online friendship possesses less value than in-person friendship. I completely agree with this opinion and believe that real-life friendships are more meaningful because of physical presence and
Nowadays, the rapid development of technology has increased the opportunities for people around the world to connect and become friends easily. From my point of view, although online friendships can be real bonding and i
In recent times, it is usually believed that friendships that take place online might not be meaningful compared to friendships where people meet each other face to face. In my opinion, I completely agree with this point
In the modern world, with the help of technology, people can have friends from all over the world through many portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets. However, it is said that those online friendships are less
Over the past decades, topics relating to companionship have never ceased to draw public attention. In this day and age, some people are of a conviction that conducting a conversation directly with others could gain a wi
There are some arguements about the friendships' quality of people who starts it directly is outweight people makes friends online. In my opinion, I'm stand in the middle of agree and disagree to this statement. Because
In recent times, it is usually believed that online friendships are not as truly valuable as friendship in the real life. I totally agree with this statement because although online relationships can be easily had throug
It is certainly true that now-a-days, most of the individuals prefer online platforms to connect with their friends. While few assert that friendship with face-to-face meetings has stronger bonding than friends who becom
Friendship has different meanings for each person like for temporary communication, sharing ideas or feeling a sense of sociability in life ,furthermore,online meeting is a format of communication and have own meaning an
It is an irrefutable fact that today's technology gives us the opportunity to connect with all kinds of people, such as new e-friends. Nowadays, some people hold the view that the meaningfulness rate for real-life friend
With the increasing rate of using virtual applications, making online friends is dramatically increasing day by day. Although making friends through social media is becoming fantastically common these days, it could no
In contemporary societies, the ways being used to visit friends have been changed. Physical relationships have been substituted by online ones. Some argue that this kind of friendship is not valuable. I completely agree
On the digital edge, online communication has been the most popular way for nations. The majority of advocates strongly believe that the friendships that take place online are not valuable in comparison with face-to-fac
The creation of relationships has revolutionized, thanks to state-of-the-art technology. It is asserted that friendships that are made through virtual platforms are less valuable than face-to-face methods.I firmly agree
Progress in internet communication is changing our social style significantly and how we keep in touch with friends and family. Today, some people argue that the Internet is convenient but less valuable than face-to-face
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