You recently had some items shipped to you from overseas. Upon receiving the shipment you found that some things were damaged in transit. Write a letter to the manager of the shipping company. In your letter Provide the details of your shipment Describe the damage Say what actions you want the company to take

Dear Sir /Madam, I am writing
letter to express my disappointment with the damaged shipment I received from your company. My name is Neha Singh and a few days ago, I booked your service to ship my household items from India to Canada. There were
Correct article usage
a total
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Change preposition
of 10
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items which
Wrong verb form
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a bed, dining table, fridge, AC, recliner, sofa, and other small kitchen items. I booked everything under my name on 2nd June 2024 with reference number 123456.
the shipment arrived 2 days prior to what was promised,
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most of the stuff came damaged. The wooden bed is broken from the head side as if it was badly handled during moving.
Along with
that, the fridge's handle is
broken despite the solid packaging. As the shipment was insured by your company, I would request you to give us compensation and try to avoid
Correct article usage
a situation
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in future. Yours faithfully Neha
Submitted by sandeepniet17 on

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coherence cohesion
To enhance your coherence, you might consider using more transitional phrases to connect your ideas more smoothly.
task achievement
Make sure to provide more comprehensive details about the damage if possible, as this will strengthen your case and help the manager take appropriate action.
coherence cohesion
Your greeting and closing are appropriate and polite, which maintains a professional tone throughout the letter.
task achievement
Your writing tone is suitable and professional, which is important in a formal complaint letter.
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