Some people believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not have to pay taxes to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

One school of thought holds that people should keep their own
and do not need to pay
to the government.
I accept that
perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that fulfilling tax obligations could bring numerous benefits to society. On one hand, it is understandable that nowadays a plethora of residents do not want to spend their
on the state for many reasons.
, a myriad of ordinary citizens, especially the underprivileged, would even struggle more to make ends meet. Specifically, if they have to pay
the costs of living,
as bills, food, and transportation expenses, it would be immensely hard for them to enjoy their lives or even put a strain on them, leading people to deal with high pressure.
, the government's lack of transparency and accountability in managing public funds could boost the anger of the inhabitants.
perspective could be reinforced by the fact that in today's digital age, a vast number of nations ineffectively allocate funds, waste a large amount of
on meaningless plans, and sometimes use it like their own. 
On the other hand
, there are a host of compelling reasons as to why I believe that humans should pay
. One key rationale in favour of
view is that the authorities could use these funds to enhance a country.
For instance
, governmental systems could spend
on developing various buildings,
as hospitals, schools, stations, and many recreational
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As a result
, locals could adapt to high-quality services
as well as
improve their living standards. Another justification is that
could be used to subsidize many economically disadvantaged families and homeless individuals. To be more specific,
trend could help dwellers have a better life by providing them with accommodation and healthcare services, thereby leading to the satisfaction of local people. In conclusion,
it is irrefutable that the payment of
frequently meets opposition from some individuals
due to
its downsides, I would contend that the numerous benefits it entails are more significant and noteworthy.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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