In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between citles. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays many countries use huge numbers of money to build new railways for super-fast
On the other hand
, some people think that the government's funds should be used for developing existing public transport. In
essay, I will write both statements and give my opinion related to those statements. Building new infrastructures for rapid
has become a trend, especially in big nations. Many countries compete to have super-fast
that will be noted as an achievement. In southeast Asia
for example
, Singapore was the first nation that built a railway for rapid
and after that, they were noted as a developed country.
, they
have many more achievements other than having super-fast
On the other hand
, some individuals argue that
of setting up new tracks for super fast
, the government's income should be used to develop existing public transportation that may give more benefits for all humankind in the state.
For example
, in Indonesia, rapid
only exist in the capital city and only individuals there can use them. Meanwhile, in other cities, public transportation infrastructure still has many deficiencies. There are many train stations that do not meet qualification standards.
, authorities should give more attention to it. In conclusion, I would like to say that even though the setup of tracks for super-fast
has become an achievement for a nation, the authorities have to maintain the existing infrastructure for public transportation. The entire population must be considered in order to be able to access public facilities, not only for those who live in big cities.
Submitted by cracko.eko on

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task achievement
To improve your task achievement, ensure that you provide a more balanced discussion of both viewpoints with relevant and specific examples. This will make your essay more convincing and comprehensive.
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For better coherence and cohesion, make sure that your ideas flow more logically. Using clear transition words and better structuring your paragraphs can enhance the readability of your essay.
task achievement
Try to integrate more supporting details and examples into your argument to better illustrate your points. This can help in making your essay more persuasive.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are clear and effectively frame the essay.
task achievement
You have a good grasp of the topic and present clear, comprehensive ideas.
task achievement
Your examples, while needing more specifics in some cases, are relevant and help to illustrate your points well.
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