Some people believe that tourism should be banned other believe that there are many benefits to tourism discuss both opinions and give your point .

has become a controversial topic among many nations.
some individuals believe that
should be restricted or even outlawed so as to preserve the historical destination. Other economists argue that
’s income can be used to restore and conserve these ancient monuments. I believe that
plays an instrumental role in raising the century's economic status, and serious measures must be implemented to maintain these sites. On the one hand, many locals argue that tourists damage the historical spots immensely, and the pollution has increased significantly because of them. To illustrate, when visitors disobey the rules and regulations of the places they have visited,
can result in massive destruction to these locations.
, a lot of travellers throw their trash on the streets or the rivers;
will increase the pollution level predominantly.
For example
, in Egypt, when some tourists go on sightseeing tours to the pyramid of Geza, many of them drop litter and dispose of their waste improperly.
provokes the ire of local residents and blemishes the natural charm of
, natives assert that
industry affects the ecosystem deleteriously, and it should be prohibited.
On the other hand
brings a plethora of advantages to nations’ economic systems.
In other words
, if sightseers purchase souvenirs, pay for historical places admission, and dine at local restaurants,
can resolve the economic recession and flourish it. A prime example, Egypt enjoys a growing economy
due to
the revenues that the authorities receive from
sector, and when holidaymakers return to their motherlands, they recommend their relatives and friends to visit Egypt during their vacations,
generating more profits. What can be said is that
has an indispensable role in developing the country economically, and decision-makers should impose strict measures
as high fines in order to sustain these zones. In conclusion, after the essay has manifested the abovementioned points, it can be reiterated that
some people can cause harm to the host country and the landscape,
is a significant source to thrive the economy and brings profits. I am of the belief that other steps should be taken to retain these places and increase the income from them.
Submitted by Fatimah on

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task achievement
Ensure that your arguments are fully developed and that counter-arguments are well addressed. For example, more balanced consideration of the views against tourism could strengthen the essay.
coherence cohesion
Use more linking words and phrases to enhance the flow of ideas. Consider using connectors such as 'furthermore' and 'moreover' to provide a more seamless progression between points.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction effectively sets up the debate and presents your stance clearly.
relevant specific examples
You've provided specific examples, such as the case of Egypt and the pyramids. This makes your arguments more convincing and relatable.
logical structure
All main points are logically structured and easy to follow, making the essay coherent and cohesive.
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