In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?

It is considered that there is a significant decrease in biodiversity, especially the number of plants and animals. From my point of view, I
Change the verb form
show examples
issue occurs
due to
the need of demands of humans and constructing conservation is one of the best ways to curb it.
To begin
with, the most important cause of
problem is food production, which is an essential factor in human's daily routine. To clarify
point, individuals require a high level of consumption from different kinds of organisms. By observing enough essential nutrition and vitamins in meals, their bodies have opportunities to develop comprehensively and be both mentally and fitness.
For example
, eating vegetables
as cabbage or broccoli enhances an individual’s digestibility
consuming fish improves their vision, even some endangered categories like whales could be effectively treatment for strange diseases.
, the frequency of illegal hunting is high and higher than in the past, resulting in the decline of the ecosystem. To tackle
issue, there would be a collaboration between the government and its residents. Conservation areas
as national parks or zoos should be established to preserve endangered species from illegal activities, ensuring safe habitats for them to live in and reproduce.
, regulations related to poaching must be considered seriously in order to treat people strictly who capture species on purpose, supporting to prevention of the destruction of animals and plants.
, citizens have the responsibility to follow the law in order to guard wildlife
of taking benefits from it.
To conclude
, overhunting leads to a high level of distinction between several kinds of categories and plants nowadays.
That is
why individuals should take action to prevent severe consequences, creating a variety in biodiversity.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
The essay effectively addresses the issue by discussing the primary cause (human demands) and offers a solution (conservation efforts). However, focusing more on expanding and diversifying the supporting examples and evidence can strengthen the arguments further.
coherence cohesion
Enhance coherence by ensuring smooth transitions between ideas, particularly from problem to solution. While the overall flow is logical, some sentences can be connected more seamlessly to improve readability.
task achievement
More specific and varied examples would help illustrate your points more strongly. Discussing different reasons for biodiversity decline, such as habitat destruction, could provide a more comprehensive response.
coherence cohesion
The essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, framing the discussion well.
coherence cohesion
The main points are logically organized and supported with explanations, making the argument easy to follow.
task achievement
Your response is complete and covers both the causes and solutions, adhering closely to the task requirements.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • ecosystem
  • urbanization
  • deforestation
  • agricultural expansion
  • pollution control
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable practices
  • overexploitation
  • invasive species
  • conservation
  • quarantine measures
  • eradication programs
  • public awareness campaigns
  • habitat destruction
  • climate change
  • natural habitats
  • species decline
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