IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The are numbers of nations, where habitation is decreasing day be day. According to my opinion new inventions could be the greatest reasion behind this. This essay will elaborate the reason and the possible solution that
Several nations show a downward trends on amounts of animals and plants. In this essay I will express the possible reasons of the phenomenon and how to revert this situation
In recent years, the decline of both plant and animal species has become a pressing issue worldwide. This phenomenon can largely be attributed to deforestation and rampant hunting practices.
There is no denying the fact that animals and plants are the most significant resources for living. While it is a commonly held belief that the figure of plants and animals is decreasing. In my opinion, I consider that t
It is true that in many countries, the amount of animal species or plants is decreasing. There are many reasons why we are facing this problem, but steps definitely can be taken to tackle this problem.
Nowaday, the rate of flora and fauna are decreasing due to a lot of problems, so i think that it is originated from old vehicle and petrochemical factoy. there are several ways to address this problems.
The decline in the number of animal and plant species is a pressing issue facing many countries worldwide. In my opinion, this is a result of human activity and can be countered by adopting sustainable policy initiatives
The proportion of plants and animals all over the world is dropping significantly. This is a result of climate change and governments should invest more in electronic technologies in order to cope with this issue.
It is said that an extended number of biological species are becoming extinct. The prime root of this phenomenon would be the increasingly number of people worldwide, and the government should be responsible for taking p
It must be acknowledged that the number of fauna and flora is diminishing from all over the globe. The writer believes that it is due to the overpopulation in human society and this can be addressed by raising public’s a
Around the globe, the quantity along with the diversity of wildlife has gone down. This essay believes that the main cause is humans’ contribution to climate change and it can be addressed by investment in green energy.
Recently, flora and fauna throughout the world is getting more and more deteriorated, which results in the decrease in their amount. This problem has occurred for a long time due to human activities in fulfilling desires
The assumption of wild animals and plants are being decreased. Due to having deforestation without permission, the problem is becoming worse. However, the problems can be tackled by generating some heavy rules with signi
Around the world, the number of wildlife is eroding. The root cause of this problem is the widespread illegal poaching and deforestation. However, a range of problems have been identified and could be solved by the unit
It is widely known that there is a decline in the number of plants and animals in many nations. Globalization is the main reason behind this phenomenon and this writer strongly believes that building more zoos and mixing
Within the global community in the present day, the quantity of flora and fauna is decreasing over time. This writer contends that poaching and deforestation are the core factors of the problem, which could be addressed
There is a common situation that the decline of several species in nature become a norm. From this author's perspective, the main contributor to this problem is human activities, and it can be solved by some social actio
In many parts of the world, the reduction is plants and animals I becoming more significant. This writer believes that the reason for this problem is because of the human impacts and can be tackled through an increase in
In many parts of the world, the quantity of fauna and flora has been decreasing due to industrialization, which can be addressed by high taxes and heavy punishment.
It is widely known that there is a decline in the number of floras and faunas in many nations. Globalization and overexploitation seem to be two main reasons behind this problem, and this writer strongly believes that g
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