The bar chart illustrates the changing proportion of automobiles that families in one European nation have over a period of 30 years.
In general, the one-
and two-Use synonyms
ownership rates tend to increase over time. Meanwhile, households with no private Use synonyms
witnessed a decrease.
Having looked at the provided chart, in 1971, nearly 37% of households owned a Use synonyms
Use synonyms
48% of families did not have any automobile, 2.5 times more than two cars ownership. By 1981, the percentage of no cars declined slightly by approximately 7%. In the meantime, the two-automobile owners had a climb to 30% and people with one Linking Words
experienced a slight fluctuation.
Until 1991, the figure of people owning a Use synonyms
rocketed to 50% which is 2 and 2.5 times more than no automobile and two cars. After a decade, the number of people having a vehicle continued to drop by 5%. Among that, the number of persons with no vehicle levelled off at the similar to having two automobiles.Use synonyms