Nowadays people usually retire at the age of 60 or 65, but some want to keep working as long as they can. Is this a positive or a negative development? Give you own opinion and relevant examples.

Nowadays nations have the opportunity to retire at 65, but there are individuals who are working
, I think that
trend is a wrong case because a mature human can't take on his duties
as well as
a young one
according to
his physical condition.
, it means that the country's economy is at a low level and the public has to work because they aren't enough supported by the government.
, the human body is a mechanism which has its own resources.
it can be used for some period of time,
it should be changed.
For example
, The Tokyo State University of Human Research says that after the age of 45, there are processes in the body which decrease brain and body activities.
process can't be changed.
statement is proven by the statistics for several decades. To me, it's enough to say that working after 65 is dangerous for health. Doubtless, there is nothing good in
, the experience taken after years of acting should be learnt and taken into attention.
On the other hand
economic items, there is a huge problem if
Correct article usage
the old
show examples
society is working. The country's development should be presented by the New Generation. Certainly, a good way of life for the Previous Generation should be ensured.
For example
, the
data of social research by Cambridge University presents, that over 47% of working folk under 60 years old are situated in Developing economies,
as Kazakhstan.
On the other hand
, it means, that there are no new specialists who can change retired ones. I think it illustrates the bad consequences of
tendency and the absence of care from the Government. In conclusion, there are more bad terms in overworking
according to
economic and medical issues. I believe that it is important to retire at the right time to dedicate attention and knowledge to grandchildren.
Submitted by interclass1982 on

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To achieve higher clarity and comprehensiveness of ideas, consider expanding on how the examples provided directly support your arguments. For instance, more detail on how Japan and Kazakhstan's statistics directly correlate with the central thesis about the disadvantages of working beyond the retirement age.
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