A large number of people are being killed in road accidents every year. Why do so many accidents occur? Make recommendations that would help to reduce the number of road accidents.

Increasing the number of transport accidents has led to more casualties annually, which can be driven by reckless drivers, health conditions and distractions.
conundrum could be mitigated by applying the following methods.
To begin
, there are various reasons for the escalating vehicle casualties.
, aggressive driving, including overloading, racing and passing red light, leads to dangerous situations, which is the main factor for skyrocketing the death number. By participating in some street racing events and expressing driving capacities, adolescents could gain the respect of their friends, leading to speeding cases in the wrong lane and generating unfortunate injuries for driver victims.
, driving under the influence of stimulants, including beer, alcohol and ketamine, is the most frequent illegal case in police booths.
For instance
, long voyage drivers, who usually run over 10 hours daily with overloading conditions, usually suffer poor health conditions.
, there is an increase in the number of long-haul accidents using cocaine to overcome their sleepiness and satisfy fatigue feeling.
puzzle could be solved by cooperating with these remedies.
, retaking the driving test has been mentioned as an effective solution.
test ensures the current health condition meets the safety driving standards and updates the changes in judicial transportation decrees.
For example
, retaking a driver's license could inform them of the stricter sentence punishments if they are speeding under the influence of alcohol and causing an accident.
, the government could improve the safety of infrastructure with more caution signals and
install speeding cameras to stifle intended people with misdeed actions. By installing more warning dangerous signals on frequent accidental roads, drivers could be deliberately cautious by reducing velocities in their vehicles.
To conclude
, more death cases have been reported as the influence of traffic accidents, which stems from aggressive driving and driving under stimulants. Ultimately,
phenomenon could be tackled by retaking the driving tests and improving traffic infrastructure.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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For a higher score, it is important to address a variety of points within each reason and solution. Expanding on the negative impacts of aggressive driving and further exploring measures such as public awareness campaigns could add depth to your essay.
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