In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What can be done to encourage people to buy local food?

It is believed that the majority of people pay for imported foodstuff
of local products
due to
their high quality.
writer believes that raising taxes on those types of
is likely to encourage people to buy them.
To begin
, it can be acknowledged that products which are imported from overseas are recognised by their qualities before being accepted to go inland.
is because the well-being of customers must be ensured perfectly
as well as
the reputation of exporting nations.
For instance
, Vietnamese
Fix the agreement mistake
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will be checked at the harbours by American securities in case of
Unnecessary verb
show examples
, the safety of inhabitants can be protected from potential dangers and the high quality of goods will increase the fame of exporting nations. It must
be considered that local
should be more considered. The most effective approach is to raise taxes on imported goods in order to create a profitable source for local governments.
, the economy of a particular country will be reinforced by
tax policy. Take North America as an example, domestic
is sold via the marketplace with a high level of expense,
the real price is quite low.
, local
is able to bring revenues for a certain economy and the tax will make residents increase the frequency of paying for domestic
To conclude
, consumers opt for purchasing abroad goods
due to
their high quality of them,
raising taxes on that might increase the profit of some governments.
, each individual has to be aware of the importance of consuming domestic products.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
The introduction could be clearer in presenting the task. Consider clearly stating the reasons people buy imported food and the solutions to encourage local food consumption.
coherence cohesion
Some sentences are complex and difficult to follow. Simplify structures and opt for clarity over complexity to improve coherence and cohesion.
task achievement
While the essay contains relevant examples, try to provide more specific and detailed examples to better support your points.
task achievement
The essay effectively recognizes the high quality of imported food as a primary reason for its preference.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the key points discussed in the essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allure
  • novelty
  • diversity
  • perception
  • premium
  • globalization
  • cuisines
  • economic factors
  • subsidies
  • tariffs
  • competitive
  • farm-to-table
  • eco-conscious
  • consumption
  • sustainability
  • local economy
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