Some people believe that it is the resposibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet. Diacuss both views and give your opinion.

have different points of view when it comes to healthcare, there are two different opinions on
. The first opinion states that each individual is responsible for taking care of their health.
On the other hand
, the other group likes to put all the burden on the governments. In my opinion, I agree with the first point of view, and in
essay, I will outline the main ideas and reasons to support it.
, adopting a healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of having diseases in many ways. As the
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role is to aware citizens, governments cannot force
to improve their lifestyles. Citizens should focus on their own lifestyle and health by being active throughout the day, having a good diet and doing some kind of sport.
For example
, cutting out sugar would reduce the risk of having diabetes.
That is
why I think that individuals should really work hard to find their own lifestyle that would benefit their health.
, if we are going to talk about the government, we cannot slip their crucial role in keeping
aware of different diseases and how to stay away from them. Spreading knowledge across the country is a very essential step that should be taken by the government.
For instance
, increasing the awareness of
about diabetes can help individuals to change their lifestyles the right way. In conclusion, we must be aware that in order to have a healthy community, both the governments and citizens should cooperate with each other because the two sides are in charge of it. but
should work hard on themselves and take
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of improving
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to improve
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their lifestyles.
Submitted by shahadht12 on

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Ensure you use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to show a broader range of language skills.
Expand on your main points with more detailed explanations and examples to strengthen your argument.
Avoid repeating simple ideas and try to present a more nuanced perspective that addresses potential counterarguments.
The essay contains a clear introduction and conclusion which provide a good structure for your argument.
The main points in the essay are clearly stated and relevant to the topic.
The use of linking words and phrases helps the essay flow more smoothly from one point to the next.
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