learn a lot from the past. Some individuals think that it is necessary to look at the past as the navigation to face the
, some think
. In
essay, I will delve into both perspectives and provide my opinion on that matter.
On one hand, the past can be a great teacher for us, particularly in helping us to face what is coming ahead. Everything that has happened in the past becomes history that
enrichChange the verb form
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of Change preposition
show examples
experiences that can be
a crucial lessonsCorrect the article-noun agreement
a crucial lesson
crucial lessons
show examples
for us to avoid repeating them in the
, the historical
of Change preposition
show examples
revolution in France
which Correct pronoun usage
show examples
claimed many lives in the past. It was a huge frightening tragedy and a nightmare for France
. By learning and understanding the root and causes of the conflict of revolution,
how it could happen,
it Correct pronoun usage
show examples
can help
the Remove the article
show examples
France's governance to not make the same mistakes and avoid any
raisingCorrect your spelling
show examples
potential happen, so that the tragedy would not repeat for happening in the next time.
, some
think it
isVerb problem
show examples
nothing to do with the past. We are currently living in
presentCorrect article usage
show examples
and we do not
engagedChange the verb form
show examples
anymore in the past. Time flies,
worldAdd an article
show examples
moves rapidly,
move on, and
we are entering the new age of civilizations.
, research in the USA shows that
nowadays are more mature in handling conflict
in the past. They tend to not
doingWrong verb form
show examples
harmReplace the word
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activities to speak up and protest
to Change preposition
show examples
the governance, yet they do it in diplomatic
wayFix the agreement mistake
show examples
discussionChange preposition
show examples
petitionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to give their aspirations.
, the terrible tragedy
likeChange preposition
show examples
revolutionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in the past is unlikely to
repeatedAdd a missing verb
show examples
currently and in the
In conclusion,
think we are living in the present and it has nothing to do with the past, I lean towards the
believeReplace the word
show examples
that we should stick to
learnWrong verb form
show examples
about history.
PastCorrect article usage
show examples
is likely to repeat its moment in the
. By learning history in the past, we can avoid
to repeatChange the verb form
show examples
the same mistakes and learn from
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
, to
be prepareChange the verb form
show examples
and ready for
theCorrect article usage
show examples