The world of work is rapidly changing and employees cannot depend on having the same work or the same work conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes and suggest ways to prepare for people to work in the future.

As we know our world keeps evolving. In
constantly changing world, workers should be flexible with their professional choices and working environments. The current essay will discuss the reasons for
trend and will
provide a few suggestions which will be useful for the
to get ready for the future. Perhaps the major concern is most working
spend their whole lives working in a specific domain with limited skill sets.
, some employers prefer
with a certain expertise over others who have generic
, most
with unique
get high compensation.
For example
, workers from the banking sector receive huge paychecks compared to others working in the hospitality and medical fields. Another problem that needs to be considered is rising uncertainty related to the work environment, we can take the example of the COVID-19 pandemic which affected all aspects of human life,
used to work from their job locations but
due to
COVID-19 restrictions,
started working from home. Turning to the solutions, Organizations should encourage their
to be multi-skilled so their
can be utilized in multiple projects and domains. To enhance the technical capabilities of
’ various steps can be taken. First and foremost, they should engage in on-the-job training to learn numerous
so they can contribute to multiple projects,
, for working personnel distance-learning courses can
present a great opportunity to acquire relevant training.
, they
need to be prepared for unpredictable circumstances like COVID-19 when
lose their jobs
due to
economic slowdown. They should learn some excellent transferable
which could help them to pursue different career opportunities in other fields. In conclusion, there is always going to be change in the way of work with technological advancement and other factors
may play a role in
, A Flexible attitude and multiple
will help
to adapt to future working conditions.
Submitted by sandeepniet17 on

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task achievement
While the essay addresses the main causes and solutions, it could benefit from deeper analysis and more detailed examples. Including a broader range of causes and solutions would provide a more comprehensive response. Additionally, refining the examples to be more specific could enhance the essay's impact.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, some points could be better linked for improved flow. Using appropriate linking words and phrases more effectively can help in maintaining logical connections between ideas.
coherence cohesion
To improve coherence, ensure that each paragraph logically leads to the next. This can be achieved through better transitions and clear signposting of the main points discussed.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a well-defined structure with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which aids in understanding the argument presented.
task achievement
The points made are relevant to the topic, and there is an attempt to provide specific examples to support the main ideas. This shows a good understanding of the task requirements.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • automation
  • artificial intelligence
  • gig economy
  • freelance
  • contract work
  • globalization
  • interconnected economy
  • work-life balance
  • market instability
  • economic fluctuations
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