Rich countries shouldn’t employ skilled labor from poor countries, as poor countries need the workers more do you agree or disagree?

Whether skilled labour should remain in their developing homeland or be employed by wealthy nations is a debatable topic.
author agrees with the latter viewpoint that highly trained workers should be working for their home regions in order to contribute to their nation's economy and help people who have greater needs. It is vital to understand that, qualified workers from developing
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ought to work for their homeland, especially those with economic specifications.
Due to the
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fact that people with much economic knowledge can make righteous investments in many products exported to the wealthier nations to receive much more money in return.
As a result
, they will use the money to create infrastructure of higher standards providing various jobs to the native citizens.
, these people get higher payment which helps them to improve their living standards. Another
that is
worth considering is greater quality of facilities can provide the necessary service.
is because many high-quality infrastructures have all the tools needed to provide appropriate services.
is especially true in medical centres, where they have highly trained doctors to use the equipment to help cure the patient's sickness.
For example
, in the U.K. many great doctors can perform difficult tasks with specialized tools provided giving the patient a higher chance of survival. In conclusion, great workers should remain back in their nation to contribute to the wealth of their home country.
In addition
, a better economy can help develop better facilities.

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task achievement
Your response thoroughly touches on the main aspects of the prompt, arguing effectively for why skilled labor should stay in their home countries. However, consider incorporating more relevant and specific examples to support your points strongly. Adding figures, statistics, or case studies could strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear and logical structure with a good introduction and conclusion. However, ensure that every point you make is directly related to your main argument. Some of the points could be made clearer to enhance the logical flow of your argument.
While your ideas are clear and comprehensive, consider revising some of your sentences for clarity and conciseness. Simplifying your language could make your arguments even more potent.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion which effectively frame your argument.
coherence cohesion
You have made good use of paragraphing to separate different points, making your essay easier to read.
task achievement
Your main points are logical and relevant to the topic, showing a good understanding of the issue at hand.

Your opinion

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