The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accomodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011

The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accomodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of households who owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales from 1919 to 2011. It can be seen that
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home ownership increased,
the figure for rented properties suffered a big drop over the period shown.
In addition
, more people lived in rented households, but
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homeownership became more popular over the final 30 years. In 1918, nearly 80%
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in Wales and England rented their houses, approximately a third as much as that of homeowners, at about 23%. The percentage of renters
declined to 68% in 1939,
there was a levelling off between 1939 and 1953, followed by a slump in the next 20 years.
By contrast
, home ownership increased gradually to 30% in 1939, stayed there in 1953 and experienced a surge of 20% in the next 20 years. From 1971 onwards, the proportion of households in rented accommodation declined to slightly above 30% before rising by roughly 5% in 2011,
home ownership continued rising to reach a peak of nearly 70%
fell to just below 65% in 2011.
Submitted by picolodeptrai123 on

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Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "declined" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "increased" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "nearly" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • percentage
  • households
  • owned accommodation
  • rented accommodation
  • England
  • Wales
  • chart
  • between
  • trends
  • increase
  • decrease
  • fluctuate
  • rise
  • fall
  • peak
  • significant
  • gradual
  • sharp
  • steady
  • dramatic
  • overall
  • range from
  • at the beginning of
  • at the end of
  • over the period
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