Differences between countries are becoming less evident. Nowadays people are watching the same films, fashion, brands, advertisements and TV channels. To whta extent do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages?

Differences among nations are becoming less perceptible these days as
all over the world are sharing the same lifestyle, technology, fashion, foods, advertisements, and entertainment programmes.
As a result
, cultural identity and traditions are in peril. The following essay advocates that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits of
trend. The first benefit of
trend is that international brands can produce goods on a mass scale, and the manufacturing cost becomes cheaper.
As a result
, consumers enjoy the advantage of buying products from global brands at an affordable price.
all over the world share the same culinary experience, and
that is
why they have more food options than ever before.
For example
around the globe can now purchase food based on their preference, whether it is Chinese, Indian or Western food or brands.
trend reduces the cultural barrier and brings
under a common platform where
will have more knowledge and respect about other nations and their customs.
On the contrary
, the globalisation of the fashion, entertainment and culinary industries
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some severe negative sides.
abandon their cultural values
due to
, which hurts the identity of a country.
, foreign television shows have negative influences on young
. Many global TV channels,
for example
, show programmes that are sensitive to other cultures.
, as these shows are easily accessible nowadays, many young
follow them, and
as a consequence
, adopt a non-acceptable lifestyle and life choices. In conclusion, the globalisation of fashion, advertising, culinary and entertainment products
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both advantages and disadvantages. But, carefully considering both, I strongly feel that it has more negative effects than positive aspects.

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task achievement
Your essay presents a clear position throughout and addresses the task effectively. However, it would benefit from more developed specific examples to support your points. For instance, adding a specific example of a country losing its cultural identity would strengthen your arguments.
coherence cohesion
Your essay is generally well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Ensure that every main idea is consistently supported by appropriate details and examples. This will make your points more persuasive and your argument more coherent.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames the discussion effectively.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is strong, making it easy for readers to follow your argument.

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


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I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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