You read an article in a newspaper about a city/town. Some of the information in that article is wrong. Write a letter to the newspaper editions. In your letter, you should: describe how you know the city/town tell what the problems are suggest what you want the editor to do.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to express my opposition to the misinformation about our community in your newspaper article by the Toronto Times published on 5th May
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2024. As a long-term resident of Oakville City, I am very familiar with its history and current state. I am
an active participant in the local events happening in our town.
, the article incorrectly states that there were over 11 victims who were killed by stabbing by homeless people. In reality,
according to
the city police station report, there was not a single person who was killed during that incident. But yes, there were several attacks by the homeless people on the locals, which has been growing rapidly in the past few months. I kindly request that you issue a correction in the upcoming edition of the newspaper to address
misinformation. Ensuring accurate reporting is essential for the integrity of your newspaper,
as well as
providing readers with reliable information. Thank you for your attention in
matter. Yours faithfully, Harry Anand
Submitted by brishjot999 on

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task achievement
Ensure to provide a bit more detail on how incorrect press can negatively impact the community, this will add depth to your argument.
coherence cohesion
Try to include logical connectors to improve the flow of ideas throughout your letter.
coherence cohesion
Your letter had a clear structure with an appropriate greeting and closing, which made it more professional and effective.
task achievement
You maintained an appropriate and polite writing tone throughout, which is commendable.
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