More and more tasks we do at home and at work these days are done by robots. Is this a positive or a negative development.

In present times, there is an increase in the number of chores and missions in the workplace being done by
. The author of
essay strongly believes that
is a positive development since it can boost the economy
as well as
improve the living standard for residents.
To begin
with, it should be acknowledged that the global population is rising over time, leading to higher demand for necessities and services
as healthcare and transport. What is more, international corporations know
current trend and they will not miss
chance to earn profit.
, they cannot force their employees to
24 hours per day or require their secretaries to always update news for them,
that is
against the laws protecting
Fix the agreement mistake
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rights. Meanwhile, robotic workers with fully charged batteries can
tirelessly and accurately.
, they can support their managers by introducing effective and practical strategies.
For instance
, Ford has applied
to manufacture their cars for decades, and Google has hired AI-powered employees to run their websites.
To sum up
, companies not only earn money legally but
make a gigantic profit from their projects and boost the global economy. Another point that needs to be considered is that
can create a convenient environment for people to live.
inventions like vacuum
, smart houses, and automatic lights have saved a large amount of time
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so that people can stay fully focused on their
and studying.
, they will get promoted and earn a higher salary as the cost of living is becoming more expensive
as well as
lower the risk of unemployment.
For instance
, car manufacturers like Toyota and Hyundai are replacing their workers with
so the only job
that is
suitable for them is manager. In conclusion,
writer supports the idea of implementing
to carry out domestic
and organizational tasks because it will bring back effectiveness for their performance.
essay has enough pieces of evidence to prove the author’s point of view.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
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coherence & cohesion
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introduction & conclusion present
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logical structure
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Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Automation
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Humanoid
  • Machine learning
  • Task allocation
  • Operational costs
  • Manual labor
  • Disruptive technology
  • Ergonomics
  • Unemployment
  • Cybersecurity
  • Technological singularity
  • Redundant workforce
  • Innovation
  • Ethical considerations
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