The two pie charts depict the proportion of well-liked hobbies in North America, in the years 1999 and 2009, collected via a questionnaire.
, the most favourable pastime for both years was walking, but the least enjoyed activities were jogging and yoga for 2009 and 1999, respectively. By 2009, the former was replaced by weightlifting in the survey.
In 1999, 29% of the public chose walking as their most pleasurable undertaking, though a mere 5% chose yoga. Camping and swimming were similar in liking, with an average of 8.5%. Linking Words
, a larger proportion chose soccer, aerobics and bicycling, with an average of 14%.
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, in 2009 the proportion of those preferring walking increased by 2%, and remained the most popular recreation. The interest in swimming doubled to 18%, Linking Words
aerobics plummeted to 4% and jogging decreased by more than a half. Preference for soccer and camping increased only slightly to the previous recordings, at 18% and 9% respectively.Linking Words