Nowadays, private companies spend more money on scientific research more than governments. Do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Presently, individual firms prefer to extend their business to improve their profit so that, they spend a lot of money on scientific investigations
of, the
there are some drawbacks of personal
getting better, I still believe that these cannot overshadow the benefits. On the one hand, there are several merits of extending business with academic research.
, when personal industries, support the projects so that, these
access more occupations positions
, more people can find work
, and they have income.
, these
’ turnover increasing too much.
, the private manufacturers surf to improve their goods and way of the supplies
Remove the comma
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and have been producing less pollution.
, they have been helping the environment to become clearer.
On the other hand
, the downsides of investigations are varied. If the
are reducing their pollution,
they must not pay a lot of tax.
As a result
, the governments leave their fun
they have to choose other income.
In addition
, they do not accept
law because they are so massive and they have their own rules and unfortunately, they affect the country's law. To illustrate, in Iran, private refineries are the best factory for refining oil own rule and they don’t accept the
cost for gasoline
due to
the fact that they have special prices. In conclusion, it appears to me that the drawbacks of
improve cannot eclipse the benefits. Notwithstanding,
will be not good for the
, but it has some advantages for inhabitants.
Submitted by maryamkazemi968 on

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