Your next door neighbour owns a small dog that barks throughout the day and the night. Write a letter to your neighbour requesting that something be done about the dog. Include in your letter:  Your reason for writing. What you would like to happen. A nice, respectful style.

Dear Janet, I trust that you are in good health and performing well.
Due to
our hectic schedules, it has been a considerable amount of time since we
arranged to meet. I am reaching out to you to address a persistent issue I have been experiencing for some time, stemming from the constant barking of your dog throughout both day and night.
incessant noise has greatly disrupted my ability to focus on my academic studies. With
in mind, it would be greatly appreciated if you could seek out a viable solution to
matter. One suggestion could be constructing a designated doghouse in the rear area of your property, which would help to muffle the sound and allow me to concentrate without interruption. I have high hopes that you will empathise with my predicament and take proactive steps to create a conducive environment for me to pursue my academic objectives with greater focus. Please convey my warm regards to your family. Yours sincerely, Arthur
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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task achievement
You may want to offer additional possible solutions to give your neighbor more options.
coherence cohesion
Consider breaking down the paragraph about the problem and the solution into two separate ones for even clearer readability.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is respectful and polite, which is ideal for this kind of request.
coherence cohesion
The letter has a logical structure with clear opening, body, and closing sections.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • disrupted
  • challenging
  • appreciate
  • solutions
  • training
  • anti-bark collars
  • excessive barking
  • resources
  • well-being
  • distress
  • amicably
  • cooperation
  • concern
  • neighbourly relations
  • understanding
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