Directors and managers of organisations are often older people. Some people say that it is better for younger people to be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the past,
to the head of the organisation and department seemed to be older
than younger ones. Most of the leading organisation has heads as
who are primarily 50 and above. In
essay, we will discuss on both sides.
To begin
who are aged definitely possess more knowledge and experience than youth.
For instance
, a study conducted by the National Institute of Technology found that senior citizens who had experience and knowledge in related fields contributed to the
fifty per cent growth of corporate companies.
showcases the decision-making skill and expertise in knowledge in their work of elder
which beats the younger generation.
On the other hand
who are young have innovative ideas, more energy, high potential for executing their plans etc. Despite these reasons, they are good at communicating with co-workers and prone to taking risks as well which is one important factor especially, in the business domain.
, an article published by the Times of India mentioned that 40 per cent of youth with skills and remarkable plans are unrecognised
due to
suppression from the higher authority.
in turn proves that the current system needs to be changed. In conclusion, I agree that
who are aged contribute to the growth of the industry or organisation making them a good fit for the position of
, it is
significant that the collaborative working of senior
with the younger generation gives immense results than one category ruling the system.
Submitted by praneeth2094 on

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Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Wealth of experience
  • Historical knowledge
  • Fresh perspectives
  • Innovative ideas
  • Adaptability
  • Technological advancements
  • Team cohesion
  • Morale
  • Calculated risks
  • Significant advancements
  • Mentorship
  • Transfer of knowledge
  • Energy and drive
  • Refined decision-making skills
  • Younger workforce
  • Leadership development
  • Organizational dynamics
  • Risk-taking mindset
  • Change management
  • Intergenerational collaboration
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