Some people think that living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you disagree or agree?

In recent years, the issue of residing in urban
which is not beneficial to people’s health has heightened the preference of people. From my point of view, I would not side with
On the other hand
, it is reasonable to note that the detrimental surroundings of big cities pose a threat to humans’
well being
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. The chief of
is that nowadays, the environment in the capital is contaminated, which makes individuals concerned about their strengths. Take
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, for
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example, the figure of severe petroleum-based containers trigger water pollution which may result in digestive diseases to residents. To assert more credence to my assertion, the amount of carbon dioxide in cities’ atmosphere released from a wide range of private transportation has lethal influences on individuals' respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
, it is urban
that are
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to citizens’
well being
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the disadvantages of crowded cities to people's strengths are widely acknowledged, there are abundant facilities to support people’s health. Nowadays, urban
are well-equipped with high-tech hospitals with professional teams of doctors and cutting-edge machines working for medical purposes. Unlike the rural regions, hospitals are
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with rudimentary tools which can not provide residents the most effective method to cure.
, with the support of advanced facilities, people who reside in metropolises are meticulously preserved. In conclusion, I agree that urban
may do more good than harm to inhabitants’ strengths, it is an undeniable fact that
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the hustle
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and bustle
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of cities
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may pose some threats to
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due to
the disadvantageous environment.
Submitted by hominhtrang995 on

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