Some people think that it is necessary to learn about others countries. Other feel same can be learnt through TV and Internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Undeniable learn new things related to other countries
that is
something interesting. Many people think it is important to visit some states in order to learn about them.
, others think it can be found on
and the
essay will discuss both views, and I believe that
and the
are able to be good choices for learning about other countries.
To begin
with, it could be true that to learn about some
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must travel to the country to get more information about them because they are able to feel immediately the culture of the country when they were staying there.
For instance
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who have visited some states
as China, Spain, etc, and stayed there for several days will know about the daily activities of citizens,
as the habits, culture, language, traditional food etc.
, individuals who travel to other regions
gain unforgettable experiences because they are able to make relationships with local people.
On the other hand
, most people prefer to learn about other communities by watching
or looking on the
because has several advantages.
it is more efficient to learn by watching
because It is able to decrease the cost of the journey.
For instance
, entity must spend their money to pay for the tickets and living costs when they live there.
the cost can be allocated to the most important things
as education, life necessities, and saving for their future.
In addition
, it is able to save energy for individual, because they no need to go out of their house and only sit on the sofa to learn about other public lives. In conclusion, learning about other land by travel is better, despite it is more beneficial to learn by watching
and the
because it is more efficient
due to
the economy and saving more energy.
, most citizens choose the second statement which is able to allocate their money to another thing.
Submitted by patricius.yohanes on

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task achievement
Try to develop your ideas more comprehensively. Provide more detailed explanations and examples to support your points, making your argument stronger.
coherence cohesion
Work on sentence structure and clarity. Some sentences are awkwardly phrased and can be clearer with rephrasing. This will improve the overall coherence of your essay.
task achievement
The essay presents a balanced discussion of both views, which is essential for a well-rounded argument in IELTS writing tasks.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are clear and relate directly to the essay topic, which helps the reader understand your main points better.
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